
Recent Local Government Activity

County: Orange   City: Apopka

Date Created: 01/18/23
Last updated:01/30/23

Apopka, FL to Consider an Ordinance Amending Water, Sewer and Reuse Fees
The Council will Consider Ordinance No. 2993 - Second Reading – Amending Chapter 22 – Capital Facilities and Impact Fees, Article IV – Water, Sewer, and Reuse Capital Facility Fees and Fund, Section 22-97, Section 22-98, and Section 22-99.

Issue History

01/30/23  The Council will hold second reading at the 2/01/23 meeting.

01/18/23  The Council will hold a first reading at the 1/18/23 meeting.

Related Documents

2/01/23 Background
2/01/23 Meeting Agenda
1/18/23 Background
1/18/23 Meeting Agenda