
Recent Local Government Activity

County: Hendry

Date Created: 09/26/22
Last updated:09/26/22

Hendry County, FL to Consider Final Millage Rate for FY23
The Board adopted a TRIM millage rate of 7.1000, which is a reduction from the prior year millage rate. Staff has recommended the Board adopt a resolution with a current year operating millage rate of 7.1000, which is an increase over the roll back rate. This rate is 8.14% greater than the roll back rate of 6.5653 and produces $22,089,396. The reasons for ad valorem tax revenue increasing are employee cost-of-living increases, health insurance premium and property and casualty insurance premium increases as well as adding public safety and departmental positions.

Issue History

09/26/22  The Commission will hold public hearing at the 9/26/22 meeting.

Related Documents

9/26/22 Background
9/26/22 Meeting Agenda

Lobbying Information
Require lobbyist registration? Yes
Lobbyist registration fee? $0
Additional information: To speak at a Commission meeting, just fill out a speaker card before the meeting. No special guidelines for requesting to meet with a Committee member or Commissioner outside of a meeting. Administration Office: 863.675.5220