
Recent Local Government Activity

County: Pasco   City: Dade

Date Created: 07/21/22
Last updated:09/22/22

Dade City, FL to Consider Resolution Setting the Final Millage Rate
The Florida Statutes dictate the way local governments calculate and approve their millage rates. Different levels of millage have certain minimum voting requirements. A majority vote (3 of 5) is required if the City Commission elects to set a final millage rate of 7.1400. At the July 26, 2022 City Commission meeting, the Commission voted to set the proposed millage rate at 7.1400. At the September 13, 2022 City Commission meeting, the Commission voted to set the tentative millage rate at 7.1400. The millage rate can be decreased prior to final adoption, but cannot be increased. The certified taxable value is $403,262,761. At the current year tax rate of 7.1400 mills, ad valorem tax revenues in the General Fund are anticipated to increase by $451,868. The millage rate charged on taxable value is the primary revenue variable that will impact the General Fund. Based on the current year taxable value, one mill equals approximately $383,194 in tax revenue to the City.

Issue History

09/22/22  The Commission will hold a public hearing at the 9/27/22 meeting.

07/21/22  The Commission will consider the item at the 7/26/22 meeting.

Related Documents

9/27/22 Background
9/27/22 Meeting Agenda
7/26/22 Background
7/26/22 Meeting Agenda