State Beverage News

Palm Beach
Date Created: 09/10/23
Last updated: 09/10/23

City: Palm Beach
Palm Beach, FL to Consider Ordinance Amending Town Clerk Permitting
The Council will Consider ORDINANCE NO. 016-2023 An Ordinance Of The Town Council Of The Town Of Palm Beach, Palm Beach County, Florida Providing Amendments To The Application Procedures For Various Events In The Town Including Amendments To Chapter 10, Animals; Section 10-10. Temporary Permits, Section 10-11. Penalties, And By Adding New Sections 10-12. Duties Of Permittee, 10-13. False Information Prohibited In Application, 10-14. Permits Nontransferable, 10-15. Waiver Of Provisions, And 10-16. Possession; Also Amending Chapter 22, Businesses At Article IV. Commercial Motion Picture Making, Division I. Generally At Section 22-127. Penalty For Violations; Further Amending Division 2. Permit At Sections 22-151. Required; Application Fee, 22-152. Application, 22-153. Prerequisites To Issuance, And By Adding New Sections 22-154. Appeals, 22-155. Duties Of Permittee, 22-156. False Information Prohibited In Application, 22-157. Permits Nontransferable, 22-158. Waiver Of Provisions And 22-159. Possession; Amending Chapter 78, Peddlers And Solicitors At Article III. Charitable Solicitations Division 1. Generally, By Deleting Section 78-79. Receipts Required, By Renumbering Section 78-80. Misrepresentation Prohibited, And By Adding Section 78-80. Duties Of Permittee And 78-81. Possession; Further Amending Division 2. Permit At Section 78-102. Application, Section 78-104. Town To Issue Permit, Section 78-105. Fees, Section 78-106. Permit Form, Duration, Section 78-109. Permit Suspension, Revocation, By Deleting Sections 78-110. Permittee To Keep Records, Section 78-111. Reports Required, By Amending Section 78-112. Appeals And Section 78-113. Penalties And By Renumbering Said Sections; Further Amending Chapter 94. Sales At Article II. Auctions And Auctioneers By Deleting Section 94-31. Night Sales Prohibited And Section 94-32. Prohibited In Season On Certain Streets, By Amending Section 94-33. Permit Required And By Renumbering Said Section, By Renumbering Section 94-34. Permit Limitation, By Amending Section 94-35. Application And Section 94-36. Standards For Issuance And By Renumbering Said Sections, By Deleting Section 94-37. Notice Of Approval Or Denial, By Amending Section 94-38. Appeal Procedure And By Renumbering Said Section, By Renumbering Section 94-39. Duties of Permittee And Section 94-40. Possession, By Deleting Section 94-41. Revocation, And By Adding The Following New Sections 94-38. False Information Prohibited In Application, 94-39. Permits Nontransferable And 94-40. Waiver Of Provisions; Further Amending Article III, Closing-Out Or Distress Sales At Division 2. Permit By Amending Section 94-101. Required, By Deleting Section 94-102. Application Required; Form, Contents, By Amending Section 94-103. False Information Prohibited in Application And By Renumbering Said Section, By Deleting Section 94-104. Investigation, Issuance Of Permit; Duration, By Renumbering Section 94-106. Not Transferable, By Amending Sections 94-107. Denial Of Permit, 94-108. Renewal, And 94-109. Fees And By Renumbering Said Sections, By Deleting Section 94-110. Permit Suspension, By Amending Section 94-111. Permit Revocation, Appeals And By Renumbering Said Section, By Renumbering Section 94-112. Display Required, By Deleting Section 94-113. Duplicate Application And Inventory To Be Kept On Premises And Section 94-114. Records Required; Inspection, By Amending Section 94-115. Additions To Stock Prohibited And By Renumbering Said Section, By Renumbering Section 94-116. Accuracy of Advertising, By Amending Section 94-117. Statement Required in Advertising And By Renumbering Said Section, By Renumbering Section 94-118. Marketing Of Distressed Goods, By Amending Section 94-119. Doing Business Beyond Closing Date And By Renumbering Said Section, And By Adding The Following Sections, 94-114. Duties Of Permittee, 94-115. Waiver Of Provisions, 94-116. Penalties, 94-117. Possession; Further Amending Chapter 106, Streets, Sidewalks And Other Public Places At Article VII, Special Events On Public Property At Division 1. Generally By Amending Section 106-258. Penalties, By Adding The Following New Sections 106-259. Permits Nontransferable, 106-260. Waiver Of Provisions And 106-261. False Information Prohibited In Application; Further Amending Division 2. Permit At Section 106-282. Application, Section 106-283. Standards For Issuance, By Deleting Section 106-284. Notice Of Approval Or Denial, By Amending Section 106-285. Appeal Procedure And By Renumbering Said Section, By Renumbering Section 106-286. Duties of Permittee And Section 106-287. Possession, By Deleting Section 106-288. Revocation, By Amending Section 106.288.1. Walks and Runs And By Renumbering Said Section, And By Adding A New Section 106.288. Religious Holiday Symbol Permits; Providing For Severability; Providing For Repeal Of Ordinances In Conflict; Providing For Codification; Providing For An Effective Date.

Issue History
09/10/23 The Council will hold first reading at the 9/12/23 meeting

Related Documents
9/12/23 Background
9/12/23 Meeting Agenda

Florida Beverage Association

PO Box 542101
Merritt Island, FL 32954


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