
Recent Local Government Activity

County: Orange

Date Created: 08/05/22
Last updated:08/05/22

Orange County, FL to Consider Ordinance Affecting Rent Stablization
The Commission will Consider Enacting a New Article XIII, Division 2 of Orange County Code regarding Rent Stabilization in Orange County; Section 25-380 through Section 25-449; providing a short title and legislative findings and purpose; limiting rent increases for certain rental units in multifamily structures for a period of one (1) year; requiring certain residential landlords to submit a rental unit registration statement; providing penalties for violation; calling for a referendum; providing ballot language; requiring public notice of such referendum; providing that the rent stabilization Ordinance will take effect only upon approval by the electorate; providing for repeal of laws in conflict; providing for severability; and providing for an effective date. All Districts

Issue History

08/05/22  The Commission will consider the ordinance at the 8/09/22 meeting.

Related Documents

8/09/22 Background
8/09/22 Meeting Agenda

Lobbying Information
Require lobbyist registration? Yes
Lobbyist registration fee? $10
Additional information: The registration form is available here. For more information contact Dana Crosby (Assistant County Attorney) 407-836-7320, or Emmanuel Tormes (Liaison to Legislative Delegation) 407-836-7370, Emmanuel.Tormes@ocfl.net.