
Recent Local Government Activity

County: Wakulla

Date Created: 08/28/24
Last updated:09/11/24

Wakulla County, FL to Adopt Tentative FY 2025 Millage Rate
The Commission will Request Board Approval to Conduct the First Public Hearing and Adopt the Fiscal Year 2024/2025 Tentative Millage Rate and Tentative Budget (Kelly Graves, Fiscal Operations Director)

Issue History

09/11/24  The Commission will hold public hearing at the 9/16/24 meeting.

08/28/24  The Commission will hold first hearing at the 9/03/24 meeting.

Related Documents

9/16/24 Meeting Agenda
9/03/24 Meeting Agenda

Lobbying Information
Require lobbyist registration? Yes
Lobbyist registration fee? $0
Additional information: Any citizen is welcome to speak under "Citizens To Be Heard" and are given 3 minutes to address the Board. There is also a section for "Awards and Presentations" and typically these speakers are assigned by the County Administrator or any Commissioner. For questions regarding the County Commission meetings, contact Jessica Welch, jwelch@mywakulla.com, (850)926-0919.