Recent Local Government Activity
County: Sarasota City: Sarasota
Date Created: 08/12/24
Last updated:09/12/24
Sarasota, FL to Consider Ordinance Affecting Transportation Impact Fees
The Commission will Hold a Public Hearing Re: Proposed Ordinance No. 24-5542, amending the Sarasota
City Code, Chapter 25, Planning, Article II, Multimodal Transportation Impact
Fee, Division 2, Multimodal Transportation Impact Fees by Public Facility, Section
25-49, Multimodal Transportation Impact Fess Schedule, so as to increase said
impact fees to be imposed upon new development by a tiered and phased
schedule, in some circumstances, up to the highest calculated rate supported by
the City of Sarasota Multi-Modal Transportation Impact Fee Update Study dated
July 16, 2024; reciting findings and intent as well as the authority of the City of
Sarasota to enact a Multimodal Transportation Impact Fee Ordinance; making
concurrent modifications to Subsection (d)(4) thereof to authorize the City
Manager to administratively approve and execute fee deferral lien agreements
and to amend Section 25-17 to adopt the update study; providing for the
severability of the parts hereof if declared invalid; providing for the repeal of
ordinances in conflict, etc. (Title Only)
Issue History
09/12/24 The Commission will hold second reading at the 9/16/24 meeting.
08/12/24 The Commission will hold public hearing at the 8/19/24 meeting.
Related Documents
9/16/24 Background9/16/24 Meeting Agenda
8/19/24 Background
8/19/24 Meeting Agenda
8/19/24 Meeting Agenda