Recent Local Government Activity
County: Sarasota City: Sarasota
Date Created: 08/12/24
Last updated:09/12/24
Sarasota, FL to Consider Ordinance Amending Various Articles of the Zoning Code
The Commission will Hold a Public Hearing Re: Proposed Ordinance No. 24-5540, amending the Zoning
Code (2002 Edition), Article II, Definitions and Rules of Construction, to add,
modify or clarify definitions for commercial artwork sign, freeboard, recovery
elevation, structure, front yard, side yard, and rear yard, and to allow food
distribution on an individual appointment only basis as an accessory use of an
appropriately licensed community service; Article IV, Development Review
Procedures, to modify the standards applicable to a Variance for preservation of
trees and to remove utility easements on private property from the vacation
requirements; Article VI, Zone Districts, to modify the landscape plan
requirements and to add staging requirements for non-residential and major
renovation developments, and to modify the design standards applicable to front
porches and garages in the Newtown Conservation Historic Overlay District and
to create a minimum lot area and width applicable to single-family attached
housing types and modify setback regulations in the multiple family zones; Article
VII, Regulations of General Applicability, to establish the standards applicable to
commercial artwork signs in certain downtown zone districts, to modify the
regulations applicable to generators and pool equipment, to allow for permeable
pavement surfaces in drive aisles of grass parking lots, to provide for
administrative review of alternative parking ratios outside the downtown zone
districts, to allow non-opaque fencing to be placed on vacant lots, to delete
separation requirements between an accessory dwelling unit and the principal
building, and to establish standards applicable to bollard lighting; and to amend
the facade and streetwall requirements so that the streetwall may be generally
coplanar to the front facade of a building in the Ringling Overlay District, North
Trail Overlay District and Downtown Zone Districts; providing for severability of
the parts hereof, etc.(Title Only)
Issue History
09/12/24 The Commission will hold second reading at the 9/16/24 meeting.
08/12/24 The Commission will hold public hearing at the 8/19/24 meeting.
Related Documents
9/16/24 Meeting Agenda8/19/24 Background
8/19/24 Meeting Agenda