Recent Local Government Activity
County: Volusia City: Deltona
Date Created: 07/12/24
Last updated:09/12/24
Deltona, FL to Consider the Proposed Millage Rate for FY 2024
The City Manager is proposing a millage rate of 7.0000 mills, which is
reduced from the rate levied in FY2023/2024 and reflects an
increase of 3.35% from the rolled-back rate of 6.7730 mills. Staff
proposes the Commission adopt a proposed millage rate of 7.0000
mills for FY2024/2025. Attached is Resolution No. 2024-35
establishing a proposed millage rate. The adopted rate will be
communicated to the Property Appraiser and used in the Notice of
Proposed Property Taxes (TRIM Notices) issued to Deltona property
owners in late August. If the commission votes to approve a higher
millage rate at the first hearing in September, the City is required to
send a revised TRIM notice to the property appraiser and to the
residents at the City’s expense (s. 200.065(2)(d), F.S.).
Issue History
09/12/24 The Commission will hold public hearing at the 9/16/24 meeting.
08/29/24 The Commission will hold public hearing at the 9/04/24 meeting.
07/12/24 The Commission will hold public hearing at the 7/15/24 meeting.
Related Documents
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9/04/24 Background
9/04/24 Meeting Agenda
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7/15/24 Meeting Agenda