
Recent Local Government Activity

County: Hillsborough

Date Created: 04/15/24
Last updated:04/15/24

Hillsborough County, FL to Consider Renewing Levy of Half-Cent Local Government Infrastructure Surtax
The Commission will Conduct a public hearing and consider enacting an ordinance generally providing for the renewal of the levy of, and referendum on, the Half-Cent Local Government Infrastructure Surtax known locally as the Community Investment Tax (CIT). The subject ordinance generally provides for the following: the renewal of the CIT commencing December 1, 2026, and continuing through December 31, 2041; a requirement that CIT funds are to be distributed by interlocal agreement among the County, the Cities and the School Board (the "Interlocal Agreement"), which provides that five percent (5%) of the CIT funds are to be distributed to the School Board and the balance to the County and the Cities using the statutory State Shared Half-Cent Sales Tax distribution formula; CIT funds may be used for infrastructure for transportation and public works, public safety, public facilities, public utilities and public schools; CIT funds may be pledged to repay bonds; amendments to the Hillsborough County Code to address the foregoing; November 5, 2024, as the date of the referendum for the renewal of the CIT; the ballot language for the referendum; and a requirement that for the referendum to be placed on the ballot, prior to August 1, 2024, the Interlocal Agreement must be entered into, and the County, the Cities and the School Board must each adopt by resolution after a public hearing a list of projects to be funded for the CIT renewal period. If the subject ordinance is enacted and the associated referendum is approved by a majority vote of the electorate of Hillsborough County, an estimated $167,000,000 in new revenue in FY 27 would be available for distribution to, and use by, the County, the Cities and the School Board as provided for in the ordinance. The estimated new revenue in FY 28 is estimated at $206,000,000.

Issue History

04/15/24  The Commission will hold public hearing at the 4/17/24 meeting.

Related Documents

4/17/24 Background
4/17/24 Meeting Agenda

Lobbying Information
Require lobbyist registration? Yes
Lobbyist registration fee? $0
Additional information: To speak at a meeting, sign in at 8:45am (mtgs start at 9am) and you are able to speak for 3 minutes during the public comments portion of meeting. To speak with a Commissioner outside of a meeting, contact their assistant to set up a meeting, 913.272.5750. Here is a link to the County's Lobbying Ordinance .