
Recent Local Government Activity

County: Lee   City: Sanibel

Date Created: 06/04/23
Last updated:06/04/23

Sanibel, FL to Consider Ordinance Affecting Architectural Resort Housing
On March 7, 2023, City Council adopted Ordinances 23-006 and 23-007 amending Sections 86-169 and 126-1028 relating to Architectural Design Standards and directing staff to consult professional services to revise associated illustrations provided in Sec. 86-170. Following adoption of those ordinances, several items came to the attention of staff in need of resolution. First, staff unintentionally omitted Sec. 126-639 – regulatory language identical to that amended in Sections 86-169 and 126-1028 – from its recommended amendments. Staff also recognized in retrospect that illustrations provided in Sec. 86-170 should be stricken to avoid any confusion for applicants. At the April 25, 2023, Planning Commission meeting staff presented its findings and recommendations for consideration of a draft ordinance amending architectural design standards.

Issue History

06/04/23  The Council will hold first reading at the 6/06/23 meeting.

Related Documents

6/06/23 Background
6/06/23 Meeting Agenda