
Recent Local Government Activity

County: Lee   City: Sanibel

Date Created: 06/04/23
Last updated:06/04/23

Sanibel, FL to Consider Ordinance Affecting Ceiling Heights
Nonconforming structures are those that were legal when permitted but do not conform with current codes. The Sanibel LDC states that they are permitted to continue until they are eventually removed but does not require them to be removed as the result of a disaster and allows them to be “built back” after a disaster, subject to reasonable restrictions (from Sec. 126-131(a) of the Sanibel LDC). Buildback, where permitted, is subject to limitations which require that the building be reconstructed within the same three-dimensional outline as lawfully existed, but updated to current codes, including, as required, the elevation required for compliance with minimum base flood elevation. If an applicant has not or cannot provide documentation of the pre-disaster ceiling height when making an application to reconstruct a nonconforming structure post-disaster, the code states that the assumed ceiling height will be 8 feet. The current Florida Building Code (FBC) requires a minimum ceiling height of 7.5 feet. If plenum space is needed when reconstructing, an assumed ceiling of 8 feet may reduce the ceiling height below that required by the FBC. In order to resolve this potential discrepancy, staff recommends the assumed ceiling height be increased to 9 feet. Because this could potentially increase the overall height of the building, we have included language with the revision to 9 feet that the overall building height cannot exceed that otherwise established in the Sanibel Land Development Code

Issue History

06/04/23  The Council will hold first reading at the 6/06/23 meeting

Related Documents

6/06/23 Background
6/06/23 Meeting Agenda