
Recent Local Government Activity

County: Broward   City: Hallandale

Date Created: 05/11/23
Last updated:06/04/23

Hallandale Beach, FL to Consider an Ordinance Increasing Business Tax Receipts
The Commission will Consider an ordinance increasing all local business tax receipt fees by five percent.

Issue History

06/04/23  The Commission will hold second reading at the 6/07/23 meeting

05/11/23  The Commission will hold a second reading at the 5/17/23 meeting.

Related Documents

6/07/23 Background
6/07/23 Meeting Agenda
5/17/23 Background
5/17/23 Meeting Agenda

Lobbying Information
Require lobbyist registration? Yes
Lobbyist registration fee? $100
Additional information: For lobbying registration information contact the City Manager's office, (954) 457-1468, City_Manager_Office@hallandalebeachfl.gov , or the City Clerk's office, (954) 457-1340, City_Clerk_Office@hallandalebeachfl.gov.