
Recent Local Government Activity

County: Hillsborough

Date Created: 02/01/23
Last updated:02/01/23

Hillsborough County, FL to Consider Resolution Adopting Penalties for Establishments Selling Rabbits
Contingent on the Board's approval of the Ordinance prohibiting the retail sale of rabbits, adopt a Resolution establishing civil penalties, not to exceed $500 per Florida Law, for violations of the County's Ordinance prohibiting the retail sale of rabbits from commercial establishments and certain public places and providing for agricultural and other exemptions, and penalties (Codified in Part A, Chapter 6, Article II, as pertaining to Animal Control). There is no significant financial impact to the County, and any directly related expenses can be absorbed within departments' currently approved operating budgets.

Issue History

02/01/23  The Commission will discuss the resolution at the 2/01/23 meeting.

Related Documents

2/01/23 Background
2/01/23 Meeting Agenda

Lobbying Information
Require lobbyist registration? Yes
Lobbyist registration fee? $0
Additional information: To speak at a meeting, sign in at 8:45am (mtgs start at 9am) and you are able to speak for 3 minutes during the public comments portion of meeting. To speak with a Commissioner outside of a meeting, contact their assistant to set up a meeting, 913.272.5750. Here is a link to the County's Lobbying Ordinance .