
Recent Local Government Activity

County: Walton

Date Created: 09/23/22
Last updated:09/23/22

Walton County, FL to Discuss Repealing the County Animal Control Ordinance
The Commission will Request to consider an ordinance of Walton County, Florida repealing and replacing ordinance 2008-24; amending Article II of Chapter 5 of the Walton County Code of Ordinances, also known as Walton County Animal Control Ordinance, in its entirety; and providing for conflicts, severability, codification, and an effective date

Issue History

09/23/22  The Commission will hold public hearing at the 9/27/22 meeting.

Related Documents

9/27/22 Background
9/27/22 Meeting Agenda

Lobbying Information
Require lobbyist registration? Yes
Lobbyist registration fee? $0
Additional information: No Lobbying Registration Fee; to speak at a Commission meeting, fill out the Agenda Submission Form (available online) 1 week before the meeting, http://www.co.walton.fl.us/forms.aspx?fid=64 No special guidelines for speaking with appointed officials outside of meetings. Administration Office: 850-892-8155