
Recent Local Government Activity

County: Volusia

Date Created: 09/16/22
Last updated:02/01/23

Volusia County, FL to Consider an Ordinance Amending EMS Impact Fees
The Council will Consider Ordinance 2023-10 EMS Impact Fee Zone. Amendment to Volusia County Code of Ordinances, Chapter 70, Impact Fees and Proportionate Share, by amending the impact fee zones for the Emergency Medical Services impact fee.

Issue History

02/01/23  The Council will hold a public hearing at the 2/07/23 meeting

09/16/22  The Council will hold a discussion at the 9/20/22 meeting.

Related Documents

2/07/23 Background
2/07/23 Meeting Agenda
9/20/22 Meeting Agenda

Lobbying Information
Require lobbyist registration? Yes
Lobbyist registration fee? $0
Additional information: No Lobbyist Registration Fee; anyone is able to speak during the public participation part of the meeting which starts at 8:30am, the Commission meeting starts at 9am. No special guidelines for speaking to appointed officials outside of meetings. County Manager's office: 386-736-5920