
Recent Local Government Activity

County: Collier

Date Created: 06/24/22
Last updated:07/06/22

Collier County, FL to Hold Public Hearing of Resolution Re-imposing Ninth-Cent Gas Tax
The Commission will Recommend that the Board approve staff’s advertisement of an Ordinance amending Collier County Ordinance No. 2003-34 providing for the reimposition of the Ninth-Cent Local Option Fuel Tax upon its termination on December 31, 2025, effective January 1, 2026, and continuing through December 31, 2055.

Issue History

07/06/22  The Commission will hold a public hearing at the 7/12/22 meeting.

06/24/22  The Commission will consider the item at the 6/28/22 meeting.

Related Documents

7/12/22 Background
7/12/22 Agenda
6/28/22 Background
6/28/22 Meeting Agenda

Lobbying Information
Require lobbyist registration? Yes
Lobbyist registration fee? $25
Additional information:

All lobbyists shall before engaging in any lobbying activities, register with the clerk to the board located at the board minutes and records department. Every lobbyist required to so register shall register quarterly on a calendar year basis on forms prepared by the clerk; pay an annual nonrefundable registration fee of $25.00; and state under oath or by written declaration in accordance with F.S. § 92.525, his or her name, business name and address, and the name and business address of each person or entity that has employed said registrant to lobby, as of the date of said registration. If, subsequent to the registration, the registrant ceases to act as a lobbyist, the registrant may file a request, on a form provided by the clerk, to not be listed as a lobbyist. In the event that the registrant neither withdraws nor re-registers, the registrant shall be placed on a "lobbyist status unknown" list for a period of 12 months from the expiration of the quarterly registration.

Quarterly registration shall be required and shall initially commence on April 2, 2007. Thereafter, quarterly registration shall occur every three months. Quarterly registration is required regardless of whether there is any change in employers of the lobbyist. The lobbyist may indicate "no change" if appropriate. Initial registration by a lobbyist may occur at any time during the calendar year provided that it occurs prior to the lobbyist engaging in any lobbying activity.